Creating your account

Creating your own non-custodial account on Amasa is a simple three step process.

  1. Connect your Metamask wallet.

  2. Create your Auto Allocation portfolio.

  3. Make a first deposit into your new portfolio.

Step 1. Connect your Metamask wallet

Make sure it is on the Polygon network. If you need to add the Polygon network to Metamask, follow these steps:

On Metamask, select the Network tab

Click on Add Network:

Find Polygon Mainnet on the list of available networks:

Approve the network addition:

Now you should see the Polygon Mainnet on the Networks tab and can proceed.

MATIC is the native currency of the Polygon blockchain. We recommend you hold at least 0.5 MATIC in your wallet for Amasa account setup transaction gas.If you have none, please add some through Metamask by swapping other tokens to MATIC or buying MATIC.

Once you have MATIC in your wallet you can proceed.

Step 2. Create your Auto Allocation portfolio.

The purpose of Auto Allocation is to enable easy and efficient distribution of any MATIC deposited into your account, across multiple crypto tokens, indexes or yield bearing options. The options available will evolve over time.

Pick your own mix of the options listed that appeal to you, by selecting up to 4 of the available options and your desired percentage of each option. This mix will be saved as your account portfolio and any MATIC deposited into your account will be split across your selected mix.

Current options offered in Auto Allocation are:

What is dollar cost averaging?

Your allocation total must be 100% to continue to the next step of making the transaction on Polygon that will save your Auto Allocation settings and create your account.

To do this, click the confirmation button in the app, then take the required actions in the Metamask popup which will appear, and then wait for the transaction to confirm which will happen in Metamask first, then the app. If there are any issues with the transaction, check FAQ or Support.

You will be able to change your allocation after setup at any time, but any deposits made before the change will remain in the existing allocations. Only new / future deposits will be split across the updated allocation settings.

Funds in your portfolio are held in non-custodial smart contracts. Ownership of funds is proved by holding amTokens which are sent to your connected Metamask wallet when you deposit MATIC into your account. Withdrawals from the Amasa smart contracts can only be made by exchanging amTokens back through the app Withdraw interface, by a holder of amTokens. More information on this can be found here.

Step 3. Make a first deposit into your new portfolio.

With your account created, you can continue with a first deposit of MATIC.

Follow the prompts in the app and Metamask popup to confirm the deposit transaction.

If you prefer you can skip ahead to access your dashboard without a deposit.

From the dashboard you can swap or bridge other tokens to MATIC for depositing to your account, or buy MATIC through Metamask.

Once your account setup is completed you can explore your new dashboard and other features of the beta app.

Last updated